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19 Best And Top Religious Quotes. God Plan It All

Best 20 Religious Quotes Today

Being Christian

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"Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car."

Author: Garrison Keilor

Believe In Christianity

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"I believe in christianity as I believe that the sun has Risen: Not only because I see it, but because by it i see everything else."

Author: C.S Lewis

God Allow Us

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"God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way"
Author: C.S Lewis

Believe In God

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“You cannot believe in god until you believe in yourself.”

Author: Swami Vivekananda

My Religion Is Kindness

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“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
Author: Dalai Lama

Worship God

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“Worship is a way of seeing the world in the light of God.”

Author: Abraham Joshua Heschel

Spiritual Life

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“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”

Author: Buddha

True Wisdom

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“True wisdom always leads us to please God.”

Author: Anthony DeStefano

God's Word

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“God’s word is lamp that lights my path.”

Author: Hugot Quotes

Start Taking Life As Fun

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“Nothing kills the ego like playfulness, like laughter. When you start taking life as fun, the ego has to die, it cannot exist anymore.”

Author: Osho

Pleasures From The Senses

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“Pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is bitter as poison in the end.”

Author: Bhagavad Gita

Prisoners Of Their Own Concept and Ideas

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“A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves to their own selves.”

Author: Hugot Quotes

The Greatest Religion

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“The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves."

Author: Swami Vivekananda

God Plan

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“My life may not be going the way I planned it, but it is exactly going the way God planned it.”

Author: Hugot Quotes

Long For Inaction

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“You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work. You should never engage in action for the sake of reward, nor should you long for inaction.”

Author: Bhagavad Gita

Walk With God

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“Those who walk with god always reach their destination.”

Author: Hugot Quotes

Purity Or Impurity

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“Purity or impurity depends on oneself. No one can purify another.”

Author: Buddha

Failure and Success

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“Life is much larger than birth and death, failure and success. You are the unblemished, pure, eternal self. Knowing this, you will walk like a king.”

Author: Sri Ravi Shankar

Soul Acquires The Quality Of Forgiveness

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"By conquering anger, the soul acquires the quality of forgiveness. By concquering pride, the soul gains humility. By giving up deceit, the soul acquires simplicity and straightfowardness. By conquering greed, the soul attains contentment."

Author: Hugot Quotes

Visit This To For Life Lesson: 11 life lessons From the Bhagavad Gita


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